It seems like years ago that we teachers were pulling into our schools' parking lots, walking into our home away from home, and seeing our precious students. Now remote learning has become the new norm, from hosting "live" learning sessions to learning new tech tools in a matter of minutes. Here is the life of a remote teacher, as told by adorable dog GIFs.

1. When you explain a very easy assignment and all of your students are like…

2. When your alarm wakes you up and you really don't want to get out of your warm, comfy bed…

3. When your own kids have been locked inside for too long and are now completely addicted to TikTok…

4. When they finally let you back in your classroom and you get to hug all your students…

5. When your supervisor expects you to continue to turn in your lesson plans, but you no longer care what they look like because it feels like the end of the world is upon us…

6. When your kids are missing you and asking when we're gonna be able to get back to school…

7. When admin announces they are still holding formal observations this year…

8. When someone mentions anything about virtual happy hour…

9. When you get a moment away from the screen, but your own kids won't leave you alone…

10. When you pass a mirror and realize you've been in the same PJs and haven't washed your hair for three days…

11. When admin keeps adding more resources and meetings to your already-full plate…

12. When you finally get to take a break from a screen and go outside…

13. What you'll look like when the quarantine is over after months of cutting your own hair…

14. When you've worked more hours than you used to when you were in school and just wanna lay on the couch in peace at the end of the day…

15. When you are just trying to make it to the end of the school year in one piece…

16. When we are all finally released from our stay at home orders…

17. When you can't get your computer to work so you keep hitting the same button, hoping it will magically unfreeze…

18. When you finally feel like you are getting the hang of this remote learning thing and then something new is thrown at you…

19. When someone asks about the pace of your curriculum now that you have switched to online…

20. When the day-to-day struggle is just so real…

21. When your colleague still hasn't figured out how to use Zoom…

22. When your partner surprises you with your favorite food, after all the stores were out of it for months…

23. When an unhappy parent releases their wrath on you through a very lengthy email…

24. When you are trying to stay awake for your 3rd meeting of the day…

25. When admin says that we are still going to have third-trimester conferences, but they will just be online…

26. When someone asks how your exercise routine is going…

27. When a non-teacher friend asks how it feels to be teaching online every day…

28. When a coworker joins the Zoom meeting while they're still in bed…

29. When a student tells you that they really miss you…

30. How you look most days when remote teaching…

31. When you go "live" for a lesson and you get to see all of your students' adorable faces…

32. When that one kid continues to actively participate online and turn in all assignments on time…

33. When you show up for a meeting, ready to get stuff done…

34. When you try to squeeze in a nap but your own kids be like…

35. When you're finally released from quarantine and you can go back to school…

Also Read:

  • The Life of a Teacher: As Told By The Office
  • The Life of a Virtual Teacher: As Told By Tiger King
  • Teachers During Zoom Meetings – Expectations vs. Reality
The Life of a Remote Teacher: As Told By Funny Dog GIFs